Magna Terra Minerals – Ground Magnetics, Induced Polarization and CSAMT Programs on Five Projects in the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz

Magna Terra Minerals – Ground Magnetics, Induced Polarization and CSAMT Programs on Five Projects in the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz
Magna Terra Minerals – Ground Magnetics, Induced Polarization and CSAMT Programs on Five Projects in the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz

Magna Terra Minerals Inc. initiated a geophysical program which covers five projects. The projects being advanced are Piedra Negra, Covadonga, El Meridiano, La Rosita and Gertrudis.

The Piedra Negra Project is located approximately 25 km N-NE of the Cerro Vanguardia gold mine (AngloGold Ashanti) and is accessible by a good unpaved road, from the Tres Cerros Hotel, 30 km to the east. The Cerro Covadonga Project, approximately 25 km north of Cerro Vanguardia, is adjacent to Piedra Negra and is accessed by the same road from Tres Cerros, approximately 40 km to the east. The El Meridiano project is approximately 40 km NW of Cerro Vanguardia and 70 km west of Tres Cerros. These three projects constitute the first phase of the geophysical program and are to be followed immediately by the La Rosita and Gertrudis Projects. La Rosita project is located 15 km NE of Mina Martha silver mine and 21 km north of the Manantial Espejo silver mine and is approached by 80 km of unpaved roads and farm tracks from Gobernador Gregores. The Gertrudis Project is reached by 110 km of unpaved road and farm tracks from the town of Pico Truncado.

The program, covering the five projects, is comprised of 138 line km of Ground Magnetometry, 44.5 line km of Induced Polarization and 7.5 line km of CSAMT. The distribution of the work is outlined in the table below.

Project Technique Mag Line km (IP) Line km CSAMT Line km


Piedra Negra Ground Magnetic 60
Induced Polarization (IP) 15
Covadonga Ground Magnetic 57
Induced Polarization (IP) 17.5
El Meridiano CSAMT 7.5
La Rosita Induced Polarization (IP) 9
Gertrudis Ground Magnetic 21
Induced Polarization (IP) 3


Mr. Lew Lawrick, President & CEO of Magna Terra commented: «We are very pleased to be moving forward with this phase of our exploration program, which will bring these five projects up to a drill ready status on a level with our El Monte project, where drill planning and budgeting is already complete. By the end of 2017 we will have six projects with drill planning and budgeting in place and we will be ready to offer these as turnkey JV projects under our management.»

New perspectives for precious metals

Since the beginning of the year gold, as well as silver, have recovered the price lost during the second half of 2016. Although the ounce of gold is far from the record values of just few years ago, with figures close to US $ 1,800, it is important to note that the sustained price above US $ 1,250 per ounce gives a good vision for the future.

This not only for the operational centers, but also to encourage the development of new investments, as well as to promote exploration efforts, vital for the replacement of produced ounces.

The investment sector also shows a better outlook on gold as a source of investment. With few exceptions, the most powerful economies of the planet possess a large part of their reserves in the yellow metal. And the trend for the situation is to continue: both China and Russia keep on adding gold to their reserves.

At times when the global economy does not have a fixed course, where geopolitics plays a preponderant role, and volatility is the common word in the markets, investment in precious metals becomes imperative.

Argentina has some of the most important gold and silver orebodies worldwide. The progress shown in Cerro Moro and Lindero speaks of the confidence placed by investors in Argentina as an investment destination, due to its geological potential as well as clear rules of the game.

You will be able to access more information about the new trends in gold and silver, as well as the developments in the Argentine mining horizon, with your participation in the «International Seminar Argentina Argentina y Plata 2017», organized by PANORAMA MINERO Magazine, and to be held on 5 and 6 December 2017 in Buenos Aires. For more information, please visit


Published by: Panorama Minero

Category: News


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Edición 532 - Julio 2024
Edición 531 - Junio 2024
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2024 Argentine Mining Compendium
Edición 528 - Marzo 2024
Edición 527 - Febrero 2024
Edición 526 - Diciembre 2023
Edición 525 - Noviembre 2023
Edición 524 - Octubre 2023
Edición 523 - Septiembre 2023


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