Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money Driving Sustainability and Investment in Mining

Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money Driving Sustainability and Investment in Mining
Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money Driving Sustainability and Investment in Mining

Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money
Driving Sustainability and Investment in Mining

Long, full event description:

New for 2022, Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money, is a global forum for the coming together of decision makers, mining leaders, policymakers, investors, commodity buyers, technical experts, innovators and educators for three days of learning, deal-making and unparalleled networking.

With an anticipated audience of 2,000 attendees, Resourcing Tomorrow runs from 29 November to 1 December 2022 at the Business Design Exhibition Centre in London.

Featuring three comprehensive tracks: Resourcing Tomorrow, Reimagining Mining and Mines and Money, the multiple themes will cover a spectrum of critical topics with 120+ talks, panel discussions and keynote presentations in the energy transition, ESG, sustainability, circular economy, technology, services, and junior mining investment spotlights. View the agenda here.

There will be 150+ industry experts speaking across the three tracks, including:
• Jakob Stausholm, Chief Executive, Rio Tinto
• Mark Bristow, President & Chief Executive Officer, Barrick
• Roy Harvey, Chief Executive Officer, Alcoa
• Mikael Staffas, President & Chief Executive Officer, Boliden
• Stuart Tonkin, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Star Resources
• Rohitesh Dhawan, President and Chief Executive Officer, International Council of Mining and Minerals, ICMM
• Adam Matthews, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Church of England Pensions Board
• Katy Hebditch, Head of Engagement – Technical and Sustainability, Anglo American
Ellen Lenny-Pessagno, Global Vice President for Government and Community Affairs, Albemarle
• Gareth Penny, Chairman of the Board, Ninety One
• Elaine Dorward-King, Non-executive Director for Sibanye Stillwater, Kenmare Resources and NovaGold
• Kunal Sinha, Global Head of Recycling, Glencore

With over 70+ hours of networking opportunities, including onsite delegate receptions, networking lounges, drinks receptions and the next-gen program this event will ensure attendees maximise the time spent out of the office. Find out more here.

On the third day, the Mines and Money Outstanding Achievement Awards will take place at the Bloomsbury Big Top to celebrate the very best of the industry through awards from exploration to deal-making, from innovation in technology to CEOs who have made a difference, these awards recognise and reward excellence.

There are a number of ways you can get involved in Resourcing Tomorrow, from accessing the conference, to scheduling meetings, to delivering presentations. Register for a 3-day delegate pass and save 10% on early bird prices with discount code PANORAMA10, then add networking events, including the gala dinner. Register Now.

Mines and Money events are free to attend for qualified investors. By pre-qualifying your investment needs, you will only be matched with mining companies that meet your criteria. Giving you a higher return on your time with meaningful meetings will create long-lasting relationships, leading to more deals and opportunities. Find out more about attending as an investor.

Dates: 29 November – 1 December
Location: Business Design Centre, London
Ticket Link:
Phone: +61 (0) 3 9008 5946


Short event description:

New for 2022, Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money, is a global forum for the coming together of decision makers, mining leaders, policymakers, investors, commodity buyers, technical experts, innovators and educators for three days of learning, deal-making and unparalleled networking.

With an anticipated audience of 2,000 attendees, Resourcing Tomorrow runs from 29 November to 1 December 2022 at the Business Design Exhibition Centre in London.

Featuring three comprehensive tracks: Resourcing Tomorrow, Reimagining Mining and Mines and Money, the multiple themes will cover a spectrum of critical topics with 120+ talks, panel discussions and keynote presentations in the energy transition, ESG, sustainability, circular economy, technology, services, and junior mining investment spotlights. View the agenda here.

There are a number of ways you can get involved in Resourcing Tomorrow, from accessing the conference, to scheduling meetings, to delivering presentations. Register for a 3-day delegate pass and save 10% on early bird prices with discount code PANORAMA10, then add networking events, including the gala dinner. Register Now.

Long, full event description:

New for 2022, Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money, is a global forum for the coming together of decision makers, mining leaders, policymakers, investors, commodity buyers, technical experts, innovators and educators for three days of learning, deal-making and unparalleled networking.

With an anticipated audience of 2,000 attendees, Resourcing Tomorrow runs from 29 November to 1 December 2022 at the Business Design Exhibition Centre in London.

Featuring three comprehensive tracks: Resourcing Tomorrow, Reimagining Mining and Mines and Money, the multiple themes will cover a spectrum of critical topics with 120+ talks, panel discussions and keynote presentations in the energy transition, ESG, sustainability, circular economy, technology, services, and junior mining investment spotlights. View the agenda here.

There will be 150+ industry experts speaking across the three tracks, including:

  • Jakob Stausholm, Chief Executive, Rio Tinto
  • Mark Bristow, President & Chief Executive Officer, Barrick
  • Roy Harvey, Chief Executive Officer, Alcoa
  • Mikael Staffas, President & Chief Executive Officer, Boliden
  • Stuart Tonkin, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Star Resources
  • Rohitesh Dhawan, President and Chief Executive Officer, International Council of Mining and Minerals, ICMM
  • Adam Matthews, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Church of England Pensions Board
  • Katy Hebditch, Head of Engagement – Technical and Sustainability, Anglo American
    Ellen Lenny-Pessagno, Global Vice President for Government and Community Affairs, Albemarle
  • Gareth Penny, Chairman of the Board, Ninety One
  • Elaine Dorward-King, Non-executive Director for Sibanye Stillwater, Kenmare Resources and NovaGold
  • Kunal Sinha, Global Head of Recycling, Glencore

With over 70+ hours of networking opportunities, including onsite delegate receptions, networking lounges, drinks receptions and the next-gen program this event will ensure attendees maximise the time spent out of the office. Find out more here.

On the third day, the Mines and Money Outstanding Achievement Awards will take place at the Bloomsbury Big Top to celebrate the very best of the industry through awards from exploration to deal-making, from innovation in technology to CEOs who have made a difference, these awards recognise and reward excellence.

There are a number of ways you can get involved in Resourcing Tomorrow, from accessing the conference, to scheduling meetings, to delivering presentations. Register for a 3-day delegate pass and save 10% on early bird prices with discount code PANORAMA10, then add networking events, including the gala dinner.  Register Now.

Mines and Money events are free to attend for qualified investors. By pre-qualifying your investment needs, you will only be matched with mining companies that meet your criteria. Giving you a higher return on your time with meaningful meetings will create long-lasting relationships, leading to more deals and opportunities. Find out more about attending as an investor.

Dates: 29 November – 1 December

Location: Business Design Centre, London


Ticket Link:

Phone: +61 (0) 3 9008 5946






Short event description:

New for 2022, Resourcing Tomorrow, brought to you by Mines and Money, is a global forum for the coming together of decision makers, mining leaders, policymakers, investors, commodity buyers, technical experts, innovators and educators for three days of learning, deal-making and unparalleled networking.

With an anticipated audience of 2,000 attendees, Resourcing Tomorrow runs from 29 November to 1 December 2022 at the Business Design Exhibition Centre in London.

Featuring three comprehensive tracks: Resourcing Tomorrow, Reimagining Mining and Mines and Money, the multiple themes will cover a spectrum of critical topics with 120+ talks, panel discussions and keynote presentations in the energy transition, ESG, sustainability, circular economy, technology, services, and junior mining investment spotlights. View the agenda here.

There are a number of ways you can get involved in Resourcing Tomorrow, from accessing the conference, to scheduling meetings, to delivering presentations. Register for a 3-day delegate pass and save 10% on early bird prices with discount code PANORAMA10, then add networking events, including the gala dinner. Register Now.

Publicado por: Panorama Minero

Categoría: Noticias

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Imagen ilustrativa para el artículo: BHP y Lundin Mining consolidan su apuesta por el cobre y sellan adquisición de Filo Corp

BHP y Lundin Mining consolidan su apuesta por el cobre y sellan adquisición de Filo Corp

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YPF Luz y Central Puerto confirman proyecto energético estratégico para la minería en el NOA

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Challenger Gold cierra colocación estratégica e inicia acuerdo de procesamiento en Casposo

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Imagen ilustrativa para el artículo: Galan Lithium obtiene permiso para expandir producción en Catamarca

Galan Lithium obtiene permiso para expandir producción en Catamarca

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Jujuy: Caucharí-Olaroz superó las 25 mil toneladas de carbonato de litio

Jujuy: Caucharí-Olaroz superó las 25 mil toneladas de carbonato de litio

Lithium Argentina informó que su operación de salmuera de litio en Caucharí-Olaroz, ubicada en Jujuy, alcanzó una producción récord de aproximadamente 25.400 toneladas de carbonato de litio durante 2024, cumpliendo con sus metas anuales. Para 2025, la empresa proyecta un incremento en la producción, situándola entre 30.000 y 35.000 toneladas.
Catamarca: YMAD abre una licitación para equipamiento de la mina Farallón Negro

Catamarca: YMAD abre una licitación para equipamiento de la mina Farallón Negro

La empresa interestatal YMAD lanzó la Licitación Pública Nº 002/24 para adquirir un equipo tojeador de roca destinado a la mina subterránea Farallón Negro, ubicada en el departamento Belén, Catamarca. La convocatoria está dirigida a firmas interesadas en suministrar tecnología clave para operaciones mineras.
El empleo minero en Argentina cerró el 2024 con una tendencia a la baja

El empleo minero en Argentina cerró el 2024 con una tendencia a la baja

El año recientemente finalizado culminó con un panorama de desafíos para el empleo minero en Argentina, marcado por una caída sostenida en la generación de puestos de trabajo. Según el informe mensual de cierre de año publicado por la Secretaría de Minería en diciembre, durante el mes de agosto de 2024 se registraron 39.280 empleos formales directos en el sector minero. Estos datos, que forman parte de un análisis retrospectivo del año, muestran una disminución del 2,1% en comparación con agosto de 2023, lo que equivale a la pérdida de 824 puestos en un año y un total de 1.787 empleos menos durante los primeros ocho meses de 2024.