Exhibitor Profile

Stand: D-86
Project Management
Company Information
- Business Name: IPH SAICF
- Customer Service Email: info@iphglobal.com
- Address and Location: Avenida Arturo Illia 400, San Miguel, Buenos Aires , San Miguel, Buenos Aires, B1663HRI
- Phone: 4469-8100 Int:349
Description of the company
Founded in the 1940s in Buenos Aires, Argentina, IPH has established itself as one of the leading references in steel cable production in Latin America. The company has achieved a position of leadership through its specialization in developing solutions that meet the highest demands of the market.
Products and Services
- Mining Equipment and Services.
- Drilling, loading, and transportation equipment
- Spare parts and services
- Automation and Digitalization
- Battery Electric Equipment
- Drilling Steel